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Konwledge of Bunk Bed

Bunk Bed FAQ's (including all you need to know about Bunk Bed Safety!)

We at Cuckooland have made it our mission to find bunk beds that tick all the right boxes for growing boys and girls, and we’ve written reams about these two-riffic sleepers in the past (including our ultimate bunk bed guide). To help you nail this essential purchase, here are a few of our most frequently asked questions:

  • Are Bunk Beds Safe for Children?

  • Yes, they are perfectly safe as long as a few important guidelines are followed. For example, Bunk Beds, in general, should not be purchased for babies and toddlers - they should sleep in their own cot beds or toddler beds. The Upper Bunk is not suitable for children under 6 years of age (the height of the bed and risk of falling out is too great for younger children). You should always make sure the guard rails are securely tightened and they are at least 16cm taller than the mattress and have a gap of 300mm for access. Always illuminate the ladder with a lamp or clip light so children can climb safely into bed at night. The ladder should be fixed firmly to the bed with the treads at least 3cm wide and 20cm apart. And only one child per mattress should be allowed to sleep in a bunk bed. In conclusion, Bunk Bed frames are safe as long as they are assembled correctly, used responsibly and safely guidelines are strictly adhered to. And they are certainly not climbing frames or trampolines. Very sturdy beds, such as metal bunk beds and beds with slides, can offer a more fun activity for youngsters such as this pine Treehouse Bunk Bed with Slide or this Play, learn & Sleep Single Bed by Lifetime but only if the child understands the difference between responsible fun and mucking about.

  • Are Bunk Beds Safe for Toddlers?

  • Generally speaking, no they are not. Toddlers should sleep in smaller beds designed for their size and weight. There are exceptions to this rule, however; some of our designers have created smaller bunk beds designed specifically for younger children, such as Oliver Furniture’s Mini+ Low Kids Bunk. For more bunk bed inspiration for younger children, see our collection of Toddler Beds here.

  • What are the Safety Standards for Bunk Bed Frames?

  • In the UK the Safety Standards for Bunk Beds are very strict and they must conform to the British Safety Standard BS EN 747:1993. Amongst the guidelines stated above, all beds must be made of solid in construction material, such as pine, with no sharp edges or corners that children may cut themselves on or pick up splinters.

  • What is the recommended maximum weight limit of a child using a Bunk Bed?

  • The construction must be solid enough to hold a child's weight comfortably with recommendations being 175lbs (approx 80kgs) for the top bunk and 200lbs (approx 90kgs) for the bottom bunk and if there's a trundle bed the max recommended weight for the trundle is 175lbs (approx 80kgs)

  • I have a low ceiling, should I buy a Bunk Bed?

  • Absolutely! Our store has a range of low bunk beds to help with this problem. The trick is to get creative wherever possible as well as staying safe, and our clever designers have done just that. L-shaped bunks, for example, leave much of the bottom bed open and exposed, allowing for less space between the bunks without compromising on sleep quality. And for information and verification, all the bed dimensions (including accurate measurements for height) are clearly stated on each bunk bed product detail page. Remember though that jumping up and down on the top bunk is always strictly prohibited no matter what the height of the bunk or ceiling is.

  • Are Bunk Beds suitable for siblings with an age gap?

  • Siblings of any age can live in harmony when you choose a bed that keeps both of them happy. Whilst it is inadvisable to have younger children, including toddlers, sleep on the top bunk, the bottom bunk on all of our beds would be appropriate for younger siblings. For more inspiration, check out our full collection of kids beds.

  • Are Bunk Beds the solution for bedrooms with limited space?

  • Yes, this is where the real magic happens. Bunk beds are perfect for when floor space is limited... it's logical to build upwards right? Bunk beds are also ideal space-saving solutions, because many feature pine shelving on both the top and bottom bunk, with wardrobes and drawers on the side and bottom. Why not take a quick browse of our collection to see how (and wow!)?

Require more assistance?

The key to a squabble-free space and a sound night’s sleep is to choose bunk beds and furniture that allow each sibling to express their personality. You can find lots of tips on how to achieve harmony in our guide to shared kids bedrooms.

If you’re still struggling to find the perfect sleeper, drop us an email at customerservice@cuckooland.com, or give our friendly team of kids beds experts a call on +44 (0) 1305 231231 to have a natter with our resident bed guru Nathalie or her trusty trundles (errr sidekicks) – we’re just a phone call away!



Contact: Margaret Liu

Phone: 86-17362250817

E-mail: info@atronhome.com


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